Dubuque Arrests The Untold Truth - City of dubuque public information officer randy. Recent arrests in dubuque on 10/5/2025: Dubuque arrest reports for september 15, 2025. Dubuque police were notified on thursday that. The individuals depicted have been arrested but not convicted at the time of this posting. This information does not infer or imply guilt of any actions or activity other than their. The dubuque police and dubuque county sheriff’s departments reported the following: Blount, 42, of 419 rhomberg ave. , was arrested at 10:19 p. m. Welter faces multiple charges,. David carl sagert (59) was arrested for multiple charges including parole violation, probation violation, and warrant out of state at 770 iowa st at 1:30 pm by officer. Police say the former president of a dubuque youth football league faces theft charges after more than $47,000 in league funds were discovered to have been. Naruto Abandoned For His Sister Fanfictiontimeline Photos
City of dubuque public information officer randy. Recent arrests in dubuque on 10/5/2025: Dubuque arrest reports for september 15, 2025. Dubuque police were notified on thursday that. The individuals depicted have been arrested but not convicted at the time of this posting. This information does not infer or imply guilt of any actions or activity other than their. The dubuque police and dubuque county sheriff’s departments reported the following: Blount, 42, of 419 rhomberg ave. , was arrested at 10:19 p. m. Welter faces multiple charges,. David carl sagert (59) was arrested for multiple charges including parole violation, probation violation, and warrant out of state at 770 iowa st at 1:30 pm by officer. Police say the former president of a dubuque youth football league faces theft charges after more than $47,000 in league funds were discovered to have been.