- A rewrite of the currently defunct (edit: Back down as of. Available at www. asstr. org and ftp. asstr. org. If you're looking for some decent ascii based erotica on the internet, then this should be your first (and likely only) stop. 279 rowscrystal's storysite is a free site containing many hundreds of stories dedicated to tg fiction. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. A forum based on a foundation of free speech for all members. This very much includes adult discussions. This forum is not intended for any persons under the age of 18.

A rewrite of the currently defunct (edit: Back down as of. Available at www. asstr. org and ftp. asstr. org. If you're looking for some decent ascii based erotica on the internet, then this should be your first (and likely only) stop.